County Firefighters Association Makes Endorsement in Judicial Race
Group Voices Support for John MacKinnon, Praises His Work in Public Safety
The Santa Barbara County Firefighters Association announced on Thursday that it has endorsed Senior Deputy District Attorney John MacKinnon in this November’s judicial race. MacKinnon, the association opined, has shown dedication to his work in public safety, service, and the modern justice system. Association President Rob Heckman said in a written statement that a firefighter’s duty involves ” : first respons[es] to incidents of domestic violence, drug overdoses, and drunk driving collisions,” which allows them to understand the “need for a strong : judge to serve on the Superior Court.”
The Santa Barbara County Firefighters Association is the largest firefighters association within Santa Barbara County with more than 225 members.
MacKinnon has previously been endorsed by the Santa Maria and Lompoc Firefighters Associations, and the Latino Police Officers Associations of Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, and Guadalupe. The Santa Barbara County Deputy Sheriffs’ and District Attorneys associations have also endorsed MacKinnon.