Port O’Brien at Velvet Jones
Seafaring Indie Kids of the Week

While the majority of Port O’Brien’s (POB) debut album revolves around lead singer Van Pierszalowski’s past life aboard an Alaskan fishing boat, these days the fivesome is far removed from the open waters. In fact, since taking off on tour in support of the instrumentally lush All We Could Do Was Sing, the band hasn’t really slowed down at all. Currently, Pierszalowski and his landlubbing cohorts are gigging around the Pacific Northwest, writing new tunes, and preparing for upcoming jaunts to Germany and Australia.
Given the energetic nautical tendencies of the band’s last album, one has to wonder what months on the road will do to POB’s seafaring sound. “We’ve been writing a lot, and we sort of have a full album of material ready-everything’s written anyway,” laughed Pierszalowski en route to Salt Lake City. “It’s a lot less about fishing in Alaska and all that kind of stuff. But being on the road is just as inspiring in a different way. Seeing all kinds of country and being over to Europe a bunch, it’s kind of a different angle but a lot of the same types of themes.”
In addition, the band recently wrapped up two ¼ber-stylized videos for their songs “Stuck on a Boat” and “In Vino Veritas,” both directed by S.F. filmmaker Joey Izzo. “He shoots kind of exclusively on old film,” Pierszalowski explained. “Cambria [Goodwin] had the idea for the “In Vino Veritas” video, and she worked really closely with him to develop that one. We rented that goat for like half a day-it cost like 40 bucks to rent this goat named “Gretchman.” [It] was “Gretchen,” but then we found out it was a man :”
On Wednesday, November 19, Port O’Brien will be making their highly anticipated return to Santa Barbara-the first since their sold-out (and jam-packed) gig at Muddy Waters back in July. Trust us when we tell you that this is one performance that you do not want to miss. The show starts at 8 p.m. at Velvet Jones (423 State St.). Call 965-8676 or visit velvet-jones.com for details. And for the full interview with Pierszalowski, head over to independent.com/portobrien.