Outstanding Public Service And Environmental Advocacy Awards
Presented at 50th Annual Citizens Planning Association’s Meeting
The Citizens Planning Association (CPA) held its 50th Annual meeting, on June 19, where its leaders outlined bold plans to revitalize the organization. CPA’s new Executive Director, LeeAnne French, heralds in a new era of broad public participation in planning with ideas for building upon the rich heritage of CPA and making civic engagement in land-use planning and environmental protection relevant to a younger generation.
The Citizens Planning Association recognized six (6) distinguished Santa Barbara County residents for exceptional community service. During the luncheon, at City College’s Fe Bland Forum, the organization paid tribute to:
Marty Blum – Outstanding Public Service Award
Blum, former Santa Barbara mayor, was honored for her leadership on Santa Barbara style development of living within our resources. She was recognized for building bridges to bring the community together and defending high planning standards on everything from Roosevelt School to Paseo Nuevo, Chase Palm Park to the new airport. Blum’s award was presented by former mayor and current City Council member, Sheila Lodge.
Marc Chytilo – Environmental Defender Award
Chytilo, a public policy and natural resources attorney, was honored for his 20 years as a legal advocate for all aspects of the environment. He was recognized for his zeal and determination to preserve natural resources and threatened landscapes throughout the County. Chytilo’s award was presented by long time CPA member and very active non-profit organizer, Lee Moldaver.
Bob Field – Community Service Award
Field, a Santa Ynez Valley civic leader, has served as chairman of the Santa Ynez Valley General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC), a water district board member, and a spokesman for keeping working landscapes free from commercialization and sprawl. He is well respected and active with the Valley Alliance, which drew a large group from the North County to honor him at the awards ceremony.
Donna Jordan – Grassroots Activist Award
Jordan, former Carpinteria mayor, co-chaired the Carpinteria Citizens Committee Against Paredon Initiative (CAP) which successfully blocked approval on a large new slant-drilling oil operation with the grassroots “NO on Measure J” campaign. Jordan accepted the award on behalf of her co-chair, Ted Rhodes, and all the volunteers to came out to oppose new oil drilling in Santa Barbara County.
Tom Murphy – Public Service Award
Murphy, with 25 years at the Air District, was recognized for his stewardship of the “innovative technologies” program, promoting pollution control measures for ocean going tankers and freighters, and helping Santa Barbara County achieve full federal ‘attainment’ status for the first time with successive the Clean Air Plans. Murphy’s award was accepted by Mary Byrd, Public Information Officer for Air Pollution Control District.
Don Olson – Career Service Award
Olson was resoundingly honored for his nearly 30 year career championing affordable housing, the general plan update, and “special community needs” including homeless issues. In a touching speech, Harwood (Bendy) White, Santa Barbara City Councilmember and long-time colleague, presented Olson with CPAs Career Service Award.