Wolf Parade
Expo 86

It’s tough to keep up with the musical juggling acts of Wolf Parade’s Spencer Krug and Dan Boeckner. Between other outfits (Handsome Furs, Sunset Rubdown) and innumerable side projects (Atlas Strategic, Frog Eyes, Swan Lake), the pair seems to be single-handedly sustaining the Montreal music scene. Complex practice schedules aside, this latest re-teaming (Wolf Parade’s third) finds the duo sounding tighter than ever. Krug’s bellowing deliveries still stand loud and proud in the mix, but the once-bombastic art-rock instrumentals have been replaced by a refreshingly focused mix of Talking Heads-style synth rock and post-punk jams. Of special note is the mid-album dancer “Ghost Pressure,” which breaks down and builds back up into one of the best hip-shaking keyboard solos indie rock has heard this year.