Views of Afar
I like that you focus for a brief moment on your staff and interns in the contents section of your paper. I was looking at the photo of Susannah Lopez with her Independent on the shores of Lock Ness and I thought to myself, “Wait, I’ve been there at that exact spot.” [8/26/10.]
It’s not often someone gets a picture of themselves in a nondescript location on the other side of the world in the same spot you once had your picture taken. (Albeit that’s not a completely nondescript spot, as it is right below Urquhart Castle and probably a lot of people go down to that spot to snap a photo.) Anyway the photo attached here was taken of me as a wee bit laddie tossing stones into the loch (to rile up ol’ Nessy?) back in 1975. It seems it was a clearer day back then. I also included a photo of the castle taken back then. On the left you can see the same bit of land descending down to the shore that is in both my photos and Ms. Lopez’s. Sorry no photos of the loch creature. Maybe Susannah was luckier.