Tri-Counties Labor Council for Capps
Congresswoman Lois Capps deserves re-election this November because she has been a fierce advocate for the middle class and the American worker. She has fought hard for and voted for the Recovery Act which cuts taxes for 98 percent of American families, she voted to close the tax loopholes that encourage corporations to ship California’s jobs overseas, she voted for strong consumer protections so that credit card companies and mortgage companies cannot take advantage of the middle class. (You shouldn’t need a PhD to understand the terms of your mortgage.)
During Capps’s tenure in Congress she worked tirelessly for health care legislation which came to fruition this year in the Health Care Reform Law. This new law will prevent insurance companies from cutting your benefits for preexisting conditions and will provide health care coverage for at least 33 million additional people who have no coverage right now. Her Republican opponent has advocated for the repeal of this health care reform and if that happens we can all watch our premiums skyrocket through the roof. Remember Blue Cross trying to raise their premiums 39 percent just before the Congressional vote?
This is why Tri-Counties Central Labor Council which represents 85,000 union members and their families in San Luis Obispo, Ventura, and Santa Barbara Counties strongly supports Lois Capps for Congress.
Marilyn Valenzuela is the executive secretary-treasurer for the Tri-Counties Central Labor Council