Casa Reduncion
A Trip with Sheila Murphy Transforms our Traveling Palmist
Sheila turned into my mentor, and I, hers. After transcribing her interview, I asked if I could accompany her to a disco solar community. Sure enough, that next weekend she was going to Casa Reduncion, which is above Aurora, an ancient city of sacerdotes (priests) that channels healing knowledge beneath the surface in another dimension. She said it was not Christian, and I went along.
We drove up for six hours and crossed the border to Uruguay, all the while discussing the weeklong class I had offered to Sheila and her students around her dining room table that week. We decided that she should write a book connecting what she knew about palm reading and foot reading, which she had attempted to relate to me, and that she should translate my book, Opening Palms, which is based on the first year and a half of this column, into Spanish, so I could have something to sell in Argentina the next time I come down here to teach.
After a night in a simple room in an inn at a healing hot springs, we drove over to the Casa, where we were greeted by women dressed like nuns. We sat in plastic lawn chairs under a tent and chanted, and then volunteered for work teams. My team picked up feces from the cows and the horses and put the pieces into bags for compost. Another team kept up the chants to keep the vibrations high while the others worked.
Pretty soon I was reading feet, as we sat in a circle on the ground every hour or so chanting ourselves. I was amazed at the variety of folks who came from all over Argentina to participate in this process. We were there to bring in the cosmic vibration of the future to help the planet go through changes. I was working with social workers, heads of banks, single mothers, and physical therapists who were all having realizations about how ridiculous the organization of work was in the United States in academe, where everyone was organizing their own bag of their own stuff, instead of organizing collective bags of stuff to pool for the overall effect of raising good food to distribute to the local poor.
I left transformed, having received Jesus into my heart by the second day. And so was my travel experience with Sheila Murphy.