What Batya’s Up To
Between Stints Abroad, Batya Tours the States
Well, I promised to let you all know where you could come get a reading in person.
The following is my schedule, so far, for 2011:
Association for Study of Women in Mythology, Madison, Wisconsin, May 19, at the Sheraton. I will be presenting on a panel about making art from the divine feminine and will have a table to display the pendants.
Reformed Congregation of the Goddess International Gathering of Priestesses and Goddess Women, May 20-22, in Madison, Wisconsin. I will be presenting a workshop and vending pendants.
WisCon 35, in Madison, Wisconsin at the Concourse Hotel. Find me at the Femspec Table in the Dealer’s Room, May 26-31, where I’ll be reading from a novel, having a Femspec party (femspec.org) and having a table to sell Femspec as well as pendants. I’ll also be in the art show with five goddess paintings.
Where Womyn Gather, in Pennsylvania, June 9-12. I’ll be doing a workshop on painting from Asherah, and having a booth to do readings and sell pendants; June 9-12, NE PA.
Other events include Columbus Pride (June 7-18), the National Women’s Music Festival (June 30-July 3, in Middletown, Wisconsin), Floydfest X (July 28-31, MP 1705 Blue Ridge Parkway, Floyd VA, Global Village), and the National Women’s Studies Association (Atlanta Georgia, at the Femspec Booth in the Exhiibit Hall, Nov 10-13).
Bring a printout of this column for a $5 discount! See you there.
Incuded is the picture I promised of the mystery palmistry deck card I discussed back on April 10. I continue to welcome comments on that straight line up the Mound on Luna.