Heaven’s Cat
Help from the Other Side
It is now 21 days since the passing of Joey, my oldest cat. The house seems quieter although he never made any noise. The animals and myself miss his earthly presence greatly. Though something astonishing has happened since his passing. I feel more conscious, more alert, and more energetic. There is a peaceful surrender that accompanies every decision I make.
I often lecture that our loved ones on the other side can do extraordinary things for us. They can help us connect with the right people, and make the process of buying a home, moving, or changing jobs more fluid. I have witnessed these miracles many times over with my clients and their loved ones (either animal or human) in heaven.
Last year when Maia, my wolf-dog, died, she was “unhappy” in heaven. At one point even “stuck in a dark place.” I was worried for her; and through the remarkable engineering of the universe she has made her way back to me in Luca, who becomes more and more like Maia everyday. Unlike Maia, Joey was instantly happy in heaven, comforted by its meditative state and thrilled to see his friends.
Now I ask him, “Joey what are you doing in heaven?”
Joey says, “Mom, it is so beautiful here. I am in the space where angels learn how to help people and animals on earth. Do you remember how it felt to learn how to climb a tree high, or to jump into the sand off a swing? It feels for me like learning how to crouch down to pounce a mouse or how to talk to rabbit so they know I would (or wouldn’t) hurt them.
“There are so many different ways to control energy and to bring abundance into your life. I have looked inside of you with the help of an angel, and you have so much guilt for having abundance when others suffer. Mom, you do not need to feel guilty for living abundantly and happily. Those that suffer need you as strong, joyful, and enlightened as you can be. The suffering of others makes you so tired. Mom, please play. Be active and play. It is okay to enjoy life when others are not well.
“The angels say that you must see and experience all the animals suffering so that you can be their voice. You will never stop seeing it. So stop hoping that you will. The angels tell me if everyday you eat green veggies, apples, and carrots you will be happier. They tell me this is how you tap into the stream of the universe that fuels you body and your soul. Mom, I teach you these things when you are sleeping. I curl up around your head and wrap my paw in your fingers just like I used to in life, and I tell you all that I have learned when you are sleeping.
“The key to all of this is coming. I myself play here a lot. I climb trees better than I could in life. I visit the old home and I travel around the world. I saw a Bengal tiger the other day in a zoo in a third-world country. I told that tiger that one day he would be free. I rode a circus elephant, and a wild one, and I told them that there are people that can hear them and that one day their voices will be heard.
“I meditate a lot and shift the imprint of my injured knee into health so that it won’t slow me down as a travel through space and time. I play with Lala [dog] and Julliette [cat] here in heaven, and I visit home on earth and keep Serafina [cat] company on the bed and Makia [cat] company outside in the leaves. I tell Stormy [dog] and Bean [bunny] I love them and I send thoughts to Luca [dog] to be more respectful to the cats. I am pure love.
“I want to tell people on earth to lend a hand more to people who are suffering. To stop and open the door for the elderly, to help them to their car, to listen to the children when they cry, and to notice when their animal is not well. People are becoming numb to their surroundings and they are living in their computers and their phones. They are not connecting with one in another. I want to tell people to fight more for a cause. Any cause. I ask people, ‘What are you doing to help others?'”