Goleta Water District Fire Hydrant System Testing
Fire hydrant flushing will occur between the hours of 7:30 PM and 5:00 AM to minimize customer impacts.
This routine testing program, which occurs every three years, involves flushing water through fire hydrants throughout the water system at high pressure. In addition to helping ensure the reliability of District fire hydrants, this testing procedure improves water quality and enables the District to review system performance under high flow conditions. Please note that high pressure flushing of the water system may cause temporary fluctuations in customer water pressure or some minor discoloration of water. However, District customers are assured that water remains safe to drink and use for landscaping or other purposes.
The District will provide regular updates on hydrant flushing program dates and locations via its website, at www.goletawater.com. Customers are encouraged to check the website for specific times when hydrant flushing will be occurring in their area. Occurring during the overnight period, flushing events in each neighborhood will be short in nature, lasting up to 30 minutes per hydrant.
The Goleta Water District provides water to a diverse population of approximately 87,000, including agricultural, residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional customers. The District’s water system includes over 270 miles of pipelines, a water treatment plant, storage reservoirs, pumping facilities, active wells, a recycled water system, and connections with Lake Cachuma and the State Water Project. The estimated replacement value of the entire system is approximately $700 million.