Royal Headache
Royal Headache

While soul music continues to make its mighty comeback, Royal Headache stands proudly at the front of the flashback pack, injecting their sneering brand of punk rock with a voice that’s as affecting as it is infectious. On the New Zealanders’ self-titled debut, breakneck thrashers (“Girl”) back up to melodic surf-rock–inspired jams (“Two Kinds of Love”) without missing a beat. The trick: a heavy-handed helping of fuzz and reverb — and frontman Shogun’s low and croony R&B inflections. That the band recalls The Ramones just as easily as they do Elvis Presley further speaks to their quirky brand of retro punk and points toward some potentially raucous live sets. Curious? Check them out for yourself when they head stateside to play Velvet Jones (423 State St.) on Monday, May 28, with Ceremony. Visit for tickets.