Roadwork on Hollister Avenue andLos Carneros
Work will continue over the next six months. Traffic impactsare anticipated as the crew works on various portions of the roadway. Work will bephased to allow for at least one lane of traffic in each direction at all times.
New sidewalks, medians, and turn pockets will be constructed on Hollister Avenue.The bus pockets will be reconstructed as well. In addition, a traffic signal will beadded on Hollister Avenue at Coromar Drive. On Los Carneros Road, newsidewalks, medians, and turn pockets will be built. A traffic signal will beconstructed on Los Carneros Road at Discovery Drive.
These changes are being made as part of the development agreement with Cabrillo Business Park. Deckers Outdoor Corporation, one of the Park’s tenants, is building its worldwide headquarters at the corner of Hollister Avenue and Los Carneros Road. Ground was broken on the Deckers’ buildings earlier this year.The Deckers’ portion is expected to be completed in the summer of 2013.