Summer and Honey
Health and Pleasure
For the last few weeks I have been taking care of my friend’s dogs, Summer and Honey. They are two female 12-year-old Labrador retrievers. Both have beautiful golden coats.
Summer is bigger than Honey. She can no longer hear, she has a tumor the size of a golf ball in the lower part of her jaw as well as some fatty tumors through out her body, and she has some fear issues. But when she is happy she has eyes that remind me of a child’s eyes on Christmas morning.
Honey is more slender. She is confident and loves to lie outside. Her right hind leg has some issues that create pain in the rest of her body. She may be limping but she is always ready to go on a walk and often slows down when we head home.

I ask them now, “Who are you and what do you want to say?”
Honey says, “My name is Honey and I have two kids, James and Katherine. They are older now and often care more about their friends than the dogs, but it’s okay. I still love them and miss them when they are not here. I raised them. Whenever they were sad I would love them so they would be happy. Now they have their friends for that.
“At the old place I lived, I used to know where the ground squirrels would have their babies and I used to watch them come out of the ground for the first time. I have cat friends and sometimes the cat friends would get a baby. I thought that was sad because I liked to watch the baby squirrels learn about the property.
“My dad is learning about talking to animals. It is helpful because now we know more of when he is coming home and when we are getting a walk. His mind is becoming calmer so we can listen to him better.
“I want to tell the world that the best way to wake up is be thoughtful to others. I have noticed that when people do something nice for someone else first thing in the morning they are happier the rest of the day. There was a time when my people thought that I should die (they had an appointment) because I was itchy, sickly, and in pain. My people listened to our new friend [that’s me, Laura] and changed our diet to not include on any grains and to add vegetables. Now we are so much better and are not sickly at all. We don’t itch, we don’t have ear infections, and we have more energy. So don’t kill your dog; first try feeding them a better diet. Also tell your dog you love them everyday. It feels good.”
Summer says, “I agree with everything Honey says. I also want to say that sometimes I get scared of people because I feel like some people are not honest and are unpredictable. I feel like I have known this since before I came into this life. My people are nice. If I focus on positive people will I never see a bad person? Because I can read their energy and it seems like most peoples’ energy is scattered. [I am telling her to pay attention to her own self and her people and to not concern herself with the other people and their energy.]
“I like to go out in the early morning so I can be around nature waking up, and when there are few people around. I like music. I can’t hear it now but when I was younger I loved music. It calmed me. I love the water. When I dive into the ocean I only feel the sensation of joy and clarity. It is all I think about. I love to feel the tides move on my legs. I love the smell of salt water on my body. I like riding in the truck because I feel like I get to go somewhere special. I want to tell people that loving your animal involves changing their diet and stroking them when they are scared.
“I also want to tell people that beings live many lives and sometimes your issues could be issues from a past life. [This surprises me from her!] I think that maybe everyone is here on earth to learn to feel safe in his or her body. I think I am learning it. Tell everyone to be kind to one another and to learn to listen when someone else talks. I notice people can have a problem with that. Also, be kind to yourself. People have a problem with that too. My name is Summer and I am wiser than I thought.”