Noleta Plan Meeting Tonight
Environmental Study to Start on Eastern Goleta Valley's Community Plan Update
Residents of the Eastern Goleta Valley — the semi-rural suburbia between the cites of Goleta and Santa Barbara that many lovingly refer to simply as Noleta — continue on their long path toward planning for the future tonight, when the environmental review process for the area’s community plan update kicks off in earnest during meeting at Vieja Valley School, 434 Nogal Drive.
The long-range process has already caused lots of angst and anger in the area, as roughly 650 new units are being proposed for the next couple decades. But thanks to loud and effective advocacy earlier in the process, some of the more controversial elements, such as rezoning the San Marcos Growers property for housing, will not be included as part of this study, which will assess possible impacts of the proposed zoning changes.
The meeting starts at 6 p.m., and public comments will be taken. Comments will be accepted until October 19 by county planner Bret McNulty via telephone at (805) 884-8060 or email at