Terrorists on Wheels
Let me see if I have this right. Should I be walking a dog down the sidewalk and should this dog defecate on the sidewalk, I would be subject to a fine if I did not clean up the mess. Correct? I would also be seriously fined if I drove my car on the sidewalk. Correct? I could possibly be incarcerated and have my vehicle impounded. Correct?
But I could get on a skateboard/bicycle and whiz down the sidewalk actually knock people over and nothing would happen to me. There would be no fine or impounding of my skateboard or bike. Correct?
If this city is so broke, why not start ticketing the *&%$#@()_%^&$#@ and impounding their weapons. Yes, skateboard and bicycles are weapons. Just wait until one knocks you down, and you will agree.
I no longer walk to my office; it isn’t safe, so I take my car. I no longer spend lunch hours in restaurants and spend money because I don’t feel safe walking around. I don’t shop in Santa Barbara but spend my money out of town where I am not bombarded by these terrorists on wheels.
Something tells me you won’t print this letter because it might put you out of favor, or because the solution is far too simple. Require a license to ride a skateboard or skates, bicycles, etc. and suffer the consequence of a ticket if you do so on the sidewalks of Santa Barbara.