Colleen Green
I Want to Grow Up

If you’ve ever found yourself wistfully longing for the good ole rock of the 1990s, allow us to introduce your new favorite act. Los Angeles’ Colleen Green makes the kind of lady-powered grunge-lite that roars to life behind a wall of reverb, melody, and slacker-friendly lyricism (see single “TV” for a thoroughly infectious example). On her third full-length, I Want to Grow Up, Green and her backing band chug through 10 smart, stoney guitar numbers that toe the line between thoughtfully paranoid and hilariously bratty. “Pay Attention” is a boppy little singsong about short attention spans that’s lifted up by a wonderfully sludgy guitar hook. One track later, the breathy speak-sing of “Deeper Than Love” gets a leg up from a hypnotic drum machine and noteworthy dose of vocal reverb. Later in the game, “Grind My Teeth” is all brazen energetic fury, full of crashing cymbals and big, fuzzy guitar chords. Taken all together, it’s a loveable nod to simpler times, executed in a way that feels refreshingly youthful without being sophomoric.