Cave Babies Get Personal on ‘Situational Anxiety’
Josh Redman Sings of Friendship and Loneliness on Intimate Cassette

S.B.’s Josh Redman is a musical totem. Standing for the soft-speaking and softly hearted, the under-dogged and the under-sung, the DIY-scene helmsman has cultivated a kind core at the center of the city’s folkways. On his newest cassette, Situational Anxiety, Redman sings sensitively of the shadow sides to sobriety and outcast longings with his trademark tenderness. On songs like “Not Funny” and “Just Mouth the Words,” Redman’s shy but good-hearted soul shines right through the earbuds, as if he were playing in your room. Homespun and endearing, it’s as unpretentiously personal and warmingly vulnerable as your favorite Elephant 6 artist.