Make a Difference: Vote!
Our vote makes a difference locally. I have lived all over the world, and I will tell you, it is not only a privilege but an honor to vote!
What has happened in the political parties to not find prepared candidates? This vote is about someone who is going to make vast changes to our city that will affect all of us. Except for Michael Vidal, who at least has some business, financial and corporate background, it’s a poor choice. The others do not understand their constituents’ issues. This is about how they will affect change in a city that is being overbuilt, not inviting clean businesses, and quickly going down the tubes. They should be speaking about the tough and realistic issues.
What about the homeless crisis where seniors are being forced out by constantly rising rents in huge numbers? What about five colleges and English-teaching schools whose students are taking up most of our rental housing? What about the Average Unit-size Density apartments that developers are being paid to build out of city coffers and taking the last 100 pieces of our city property? Empty stores and businesses that are leaving due to impossible rents, while out-of-town conglomerates are writing off the empty spaces?
Should ancient historical places be cut down to widen roads? Fire safety? Water resources while we keep building? Parking? And how about the poorly written Recreational Vehicle issue aimed at the homeless but has caused citizens to pay for permits to have their vehicles on our streets? Need I go on?
I believe every candidate should be required to watch past City Council meeting of the last three years and actually learn what they will be voting on, what their actual constituents want. It’s about representing us! Vote 5 June 2018, and you are responsible for who you place in that empty chair.