Regina Hall Shines in ‘Support the Girls’
Sisterly Support in Man’s World is Story’s Maxim

The central motif in this charming, feminist-spiced indie film goes by the name Double Whammies and is imbued with more than just two meanings. Besides the reference to female breasts and the notion of multiple negative impacts, it is also the literal name of a Hooters-like establishment, shamelessly showcasing scantily clad young beauties while staying on the PG-rated side of stripper club excess. Behind the scenes at Double Whammies, manager Lisa Conroy (Regina Hall, a magnetic anchor in the film) finds herself wrestling with her wavering moral grounding, solidarity with the “girls” she works with, and a crass, unfeeling owner (surprise, surprise). Director-writer Andrew Bujalski — who is a kingpin in the film subgenre “mumblecore” — eases deep into the sports bar milieu and brings a blast of fresh, creative cinematic invention on the theme of “women’s work” of a certain type. True to the title, the balm of sisterly support in a retro-fitted man’s world serves as the story’s moving undercurrent and maxim.