Stone Throwing
Apparently, Don Thorn has received his talking points from the serial fornicator, compulsive liar, and dictator-loving squatter presently occupying the White House for “Unhinged Power.” Comrade Trumpski and his shrill sycophants will call anyone protesting his policies a violent “angry mob.” It’s the insult du jour on Fox and the internet. Where was his outrage when hippo-face told his supporters to beat the hell out of peaceful protesters and assured his angry mob that he would pay their legal bills?
Thorn, predictably, rails against his favorite bogeymen, “socialists” (as he describes the entire Democratic Party). I believe in the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and freedom of expression, so I’ll defend his right to flaunt his own ignorance. This poor soul, however, could not define the term socialism to save his own life.
Thorn’s last paragraph accurately describes Republicans rather than Democrats, especially their beloved cult leader “Duma Don” Trump. “They want power. And they are willing to destroy every political, social cultural, and moral norm to get it.” Is any Trump supporter so “unhinged” as to believe they are qualified to lecture others on the subject of moral norms?
Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.