Because of your support, we are still serving our community, helping our patients live well, even through COVID-19
In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, the programs and services of VNA Health are more important than ever. We remain responsible for our patients’ well-being, and keeping them safe at home. Last week, our clinicians and caregivers continued to see more than 600 patients at home, while taking the necessary precautions to protect against the spread of COVID-19.
Because of you, the Loan Closet is still open. To be respectfully cautious of the spread of COVID-19, the Loan Closet is available by appointment only. Please call 805-690-6235, Monday to Friday between 8 AM and 4 PM if you need FREE medical equipment. If you are a current, VNA Health patient, your caregiver can directly bring you needed medical equipment.
Because of you, Bereavement Care is still available. Bereavement Care is now available via telecommunications only. To schedule a phone appointment, please call 805-308-9602. Community Bereavement Services are FREE and available to the public.
Because of you, Serenity House is still open, and we are following public health guidelines by limiting the number of visitors being allowed in patient rooms.
Because of you, the 7th Annual PHorum: Perspectives in Healthcare transformed into a virtual event and the live recording of Dr. Kerr’s presentation is available online at vna.heatlh/phorum2020.
Because of you, the New PHorum Clinical Workshop video on “Palliative Care in the Home” is also available online for viewing at
Because of you, Community Palliative Care visits still continue, and to keep some of our most vulnerable patients safe, we “visit” over the phone as much as possible.
Because of you, Hospice volunteer visits in the home continue upon patient request, or via telephone and letters as much as possible to ensure our patients maintain those special connections.
We hope you and your loved ones are staying healthy and safe during these challenging times. Please click here or see below a list of COVID-19 resources for your support. If VNA Health Foundation can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to call at 805.690.6290 or email