Hollister Ranch Coastal Access Program, Survey #3
The State is engaged in the Hollister Ranch Coastal Access Program (HRCAP), a planning process to create responsible public access across the 8.5 mile coastline of Hollister Ranch. This planning process began with the 1982 Hollister Ranch Access Plan, which was never implemented.
This process is proceeding quickly so it is important to make your opinions known now. The state has created the 3rd in a series of online public surveys, this one to examine the HRCAP’s Objectives and Evaluation Criteria. We encourage you to read through the HRCAP’s eight (8) Objectives and provide input on the Evaluation Criteria.
Do the Objectives and Evaluation Criteria make sense? What has been omitted and what ideas will you contribute to make this a better plan?
Make your voice known so this vital link in the California Coastal Trail can be realized.
Thank you for your participation in this survey, and for making your voice heard in this process!