Traffic Through the Roof
I am responding to the letter by the Mesa resident complaining about the increase in air traffic. She raises a good question I have been pondering myself about the future of Santa Barbara — what kind of city do we want to be? Santa Monica? A mini version of L.A.? Because that is where we are heading.
I had already called the noise complaint hotline of the S.B. Airport to file a complaint about the increased air traffic — commercial as well as private — asking why the flight path approaching the airport is over the Mesa instead of out in the ocean. We all need to voice our concern about this problem.
But this is not the only issue affecting the rhythm and culture in Santa Barbara. Traffic in general is through the roof.
Combined with an incredible amount of aggressive speeding and hostility if you ask drivers to slow down, as seen on Cliff Drive, has me wonder if this city is no longer such a great place to live.
The residents, mayor, and City Council need to have a discussion about the kind of city we want to be for the future and not just look at the buck.