Stop the Recall
Let me get this straight. At the Elder rally on Wednesday, Mr. Elder started his speech by saying that he is the Black face of white supremacy. Thus, we have a candidate for governor who will support and defend white supremacy in California. The people at the rally loved that opening remark.
Mr. Elder also claims that he can replace Senator Dianne Feinstein. A recall of a senator can only happen with a two-thirds vote of the Senate. A state governor does not have that power. He is obviously sure that his followers will swallow his outrageous claim. I guess they do.
California will not benefit from the white supremacist actions and overblown Trumpish claims of Mr. Elder.
Voters have until this coming Tuesday, September 14, to mail their ballots, put them in a drop box, or vote at a polling place.
We can Stop the Recall by voting “no” on question 1.
Let’s do this!