Stop the Violence Against Women
Domestic Violence Solutions for Santa Barbara County urges our community and our elected officials to support the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) with critical enhancements and no rollbacks. VAWA saves lives, supports families, and needs to be reauthorized.
Around the country, one in five women has been raped in her lifetime, one in three women will experience domestic violence, and an average of more than three women are murdered by their partners every day. COVID is increasing the prevalence of gender-based violence.
At Domestic Violence Solutions for Santa Barbara County, we have been working with individuals and families affected by gender-based violence since 1977. Our emergency shelters safely house over 400 people every year and through client-centered programming — provide a path to an abuse-free life. We know first-hand how important it is to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act.
It is crucial that we know where our elected officials stand when it comes to preventing gender-based violence and protecting survivors. Every current member of Congress should publicly declare their support for the reauthorization of VAWA with key enhancements and no rollbacks. It’s time to hold Congress accountable for helping to make sure all survivors are safe and free from violence and fear. We call on Senator Padilla to support victims and survivors by co-sponsoring Senators Feinstein’s, Ernst’s, Durbin’s, and Murkowski’s upcoming VAWA reauthorization bill and voting for it on the Floor.
We hope you will join us in supporting our efforts for every person to live a violence-free life.
Julia Black-DeVré is marketing and communications director for Domestic Violence Solutions of Santa Barbara County.