90-Minute Parking Restrictions in Old Town Postponed
Parking Restrictions Timing to Coordinate with Hollister Striping Project
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GOLETA, CA, February 10, 2023 – After further consideration and input from the community, the City of Goleta has decided to postpone plans announced on February 3, 2023, to implement 90-minute parking restrictions this spring in Old Town. The City is scheduled to begin construction of the Hollister Avenue Old Town Interim Striping Project this summer and will coordinate the timed parking to go along with that project. By doing so, the City will minimize issues surrounding loss of parking spaces associated with the project.
Goleta Public Works Director Charlie Ebeling said, “The City appreciates your patience and understanding as we work to improve the parking experience for residents, businesses, and visitors in Old Town.”
The purpose of the 90-minute parking restrictions is to improve parking turnover and availability. Parking on Hollister Avenue and on the first block of side streets, will be restricted to 90 minutes between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday, unless otherwise designated. Drivers will need to move their vehicle at least one block at the end of each 90-minute period to avoid a parking citation. Signs will be posted prior to the restrictions going into place.
The Hollister Avenue Old Town Interim Striping Project, approved in October of 2022, will increase parking and bike lanes and will include several safety improvements.
The Project includes:
- One vehicle and bike lane in each direction
- A non-traversable painted median
- Back-in angled 90-minute parking along the north side of the street
- Parallel 90-minute parking along the south side of the street
- Pavement restoration
- Traffic signal equipment and timing upgrades
For more information on this project, please visit: www.CityofGoleta.org/HollisterInterimStriping.
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