San Miguelito Troubles
Regarding the Strauss Wind project, no one is listening to people who live in the canyon. We have a planning board who just want to push the project through to have their legacy down as being associated when completed.
We the people have had our homes shake, rattle, and vibrate from 6 a.m. on some morning to 7 at night from trucks carrying heavy loads.
We have cars racing up and down the road 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. and from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Try getting out of driveway.
We have water trucks lined up to the fire hydrant as other trucks make their way through. What if there were a fire?
Who cares? Not our Board of Supervisors nor the Planning Commission.
Santa Barbara saw this project as a windfall for them, and we the people pay the cost. They allowed for the EIR not to be completed, yet no one will take responsibility of the outcome.
Green energy. Yes. Clean energy. No.