Give a Little
• Volunteers ages 13 and older are needed to help staff the Museum of Natural History‘s butterfly pavilion, filled with more than 1,000 butterflies. Help is needed from June 16 to September 30 and participants must take part in a training session on either June 9 or June 12. Call 682-4711 x107.
•The Steelhead Festival returns to Santa Barbara this Sunday, May 20, and volunteers are needed to staff the event from 7 a.m.-4 p.m. at Stearns Wharf. Participants must be able to lift 25 pounds. Call the Community Environmental Council at 963-0583.
• Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 26, for the 3rd Annual Beach Clean-Up at Ellwood Bluffs. The all-volunteer event takes place from 3:30-9:30 p.m. and clean-up supplies and food will be provided for all who pitch in. For more info, call Liz Stull at 636-9227.