Fiesta Events

THU., AUG. 5
Casa Cantina
Mexican-style cantina featuring beer and margaritas at Casa de la Guerra, presented by the S.B. Trust for Historic Preservation. Noon-midnight. Casa de la Guerra Courtyard, 15 E. De la Guerra St.. Info and tickets: 965-0093.
Celebración de los Dignatarios
Appetizers and wines by area restaurants and wineries. Dance to the sounds of Soul City Survivors. 5-10pm. S.B. Zoo, 500 Niños Dr..Tickets: $85 per person in advance; $100 at the gate. See
Competencia de los Vaqueros (Fiesta Stock Horse Show & Rodeo)
—Tri-County riders compete in the Alisal Ranch Horse Class, Fiesta Ranch Horse Class, Old Timers Team Roping, and Steer Stopping. 8am. Earl Warren Showgrounds, Calle Real at Las Positas Rd. Free. See
—Professional Bull Riders Challenger Tour: Nation’s top riders competing in bull roping. 7:45pm. Earl Warren Showgrounds, Calle Real at Las Positas Rd. Tickets and info: Jedlicka’s, 687-0747; Earl Warren Showgrounds, 967-6331; and Tickets: box seats, $80 and $65 each; general admission seats $45 or $30.
Courthouse Fiesta Tours
Guided tours (every half hour) of the Moorish-Spanish building. Meet in the Mural Room. (Daily) 10am-3pm. S.B. County Courthouse, Anacapa and Anapamu sts. Free.
Fiesta at Paseo Nuevo
Music and Flamenco dancing by a variety of performers. 4:45-7pm. Paseo Nuevo Mall. Free.
El Mercado de la Guerra
Spanish and Mexican-American foods, crafts, souvenirs, and live entertainment all day and into the evening, featuring children’s shows, Spanish and Mexican folk dancing, and music. (Daily) 11am-11pm. De la Guerra Plaza (across from City Hall). Free.
El Mercado del Norte
Spanish and Mexican foods and beverages. Carnival rides and the new Fiesta Crazy Horse Cantina with beer, margaritas, and live entertainment in the evening. (Daily) 11am-11pm. MacKenzie Park, State St. and Las Positas Rd. Free.
La Misa del Presidente
Mass at the Old Mission followed by a garden reception. A nondenominational service, open to the public. Fiesta attire encouraged. 10am. For info, call 682-4713. Free.
Las Noches de Ronda (Nights of Gaiety)
A variety show of music, singing, Flamenco, and Folklórico dances from many regions of Mexico. Bring blankets and chairs for lawn seating. 8pm. S.B. County Courthouse Sunken Gardens. Free.
Santa Barbara Mission Tours
Docent-led tours of this historical landmark. Wed., Fri., and Sat., 11am, 1pm, 2:30pm, and 4pm; Thu., 1pm, 2:30pm, and 4pm. Info and cost: 682-4713.
FRI., AUG. 6
Casa Cantina
Mexican-style cantina featuring beer and margaritas at Casa de la Guerra, presented by the S.B. Trust for Historic Preservation. Noon-midnight. Casa de la Guerra Courtyard, 15 E. De la Guerra St.. Info and tickets: 965-0093.
Competencia de los Vaqueros (Fiesta Stock Horse Show & Rodeo)
—Junior Tri-County riders compete in Breakaway Roping, Tie-Down Roping, Team Roping, and Barrel Racing. Riders compete in the Non-Pro Stock Horse Class and Buckaroo Class, plus eliminations for the Open Stock Horse and Hackamore classes. 8am and noon. Free.
—Pro Rodeo Cowboy Association events: Bareback Riding, Tie down Roping, Steer Stopping, Mutton Bustin’, Saddle Bronc Riding, PRCA Team Roping, Barrel Racing, and Bull Riding. 7:30pm. Earl Warren Showgrounds, Calle Real at Las Positas Rd. Tickets and info: Earl Warren Showgrounds, 967-6331; Tickets: box seats, $25 or $20; general admission, $15 (adults), $10 (kids 11 and younger).
Courthouse Fiesta Tours
Guided tours (every half hour) of the Moorish-Spanish building. Meet in the Mural Room. (Daily) 10am-3pm. S.B. County Courthouse, Anacapa and Anapamu sts. Free.
El Desfile Histórico Parade
One of the largest equestrian parades in the U.S. Starts at noon. West end of Cabrillo Blvd., proceeding east along the beach to State St., and then up State St. to Sola St. Free.
Fiesta at Paseo Nuevo
Music and Flamenco dancing by a variety of performers. 4:45-7pm. Paseo Nuevo Mall. Free.
Flor y Canto
Original Spanish-California dances and songs of the 19th century, with musical accompaniment on replica acoustic instruments performed by S.B. residents as they were 150 years ago. 7pm. S.B. County Courthouse Sunken Gardens. Free.
El Mercado de la Guerra
Spanish and Mexican-American foods, crafts, souvenirs, and live entertainment all day and into the evening, featuring children’s shows, Spanish and Mexican folk dancing, and music. (Daily) 11am-11pm. De la Guerra Plaza (across from City Hall). Free.
El Mercado del Norte
Spanish and Mexican foods and beverages. Carnival rides and the new Fiesta Crazy Horse Cantina with beer, margaritas, and live entertainment in the evening. (Daily) 11am-11pm. MacKenzie Park, State St. and Las Positas Rd. Free.
Las Noches de Ronda (Nights of Gaiety)
A variety show of music, singing, Flamenco, and Folklórico dances from many regions of Mexico. Bring blankets and chairs for lawn seating. 8pm. S.B. County Courthouse Sunken Gardens. Free.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Mercado
Homemade Mexican food, games, live entertainment, and dancing. 11am-11pm. Corner of Montecito and Nopal Streets. Free.
Santa Barbara Mission Tours
Docent-led tours of this historical landmark. Wed., Fri., and Sat., 11am, 1pm, 2:30pm, and 4pm; Thu., 1pm, 2:30pm, and 4pm. Info and cost: 682-4713.
SAT., AUG. 7
Casa Cantina
Mexican-style cantina featuring beer and margaritas at Casa de la Guerra, presented by the S.B. Trust for Historic Preservation. Noon-midnight. Casa de la Guerra Courtyard, 15 E. De la Guerra St.. Info and tickets: 965-0093.
Competencia de los Vaqueros (Fiesta Stock Horse Show & Rodeo)
—Tri-County, non-pro riders compete in Steer Stopping, Team and Tie-Down Roping, and Open Ranch Horse Class. 8am and noon. Free.
—Pro Rodeo Cowboy Association events, including Bareback Riding, Tie down Roping, Steer Stopping, Mutton Bustin’, Saddle Bronc Riding, PRCA Team Roping, Barrel Racing, and Bull Riding. 7:30pm. Earl Warren Showgrounds, Calle Real at Las Positas Rd. Tickets and info: Earl Warren Showgrounds, 967-6331 and Tickets: box seats, $25 or $20; general admission, $15 (adults), $10 (kids 11 and younger).
Courthouse Fiesta Tours
Guided tours (every half hour) of the Moorish-Spanish building. Meet in the Mural Room. (Daily) 10am-3pm. S.B. County Courthouse, Anacapa and Anapamu sts. Free.
El Desfile de los Niños
80th Annual Children’s Parade includes kids, parents, and other participants in traditional costumes. Parade goes down State St. from Victoria St. to Ortega St. 10am. Info and application: 897-1982.
Fiesta Arts & Crafts Show
Artisans and crafts people display a variety of paintings, carvings, pottery, and other handcrafted wares.10am-7pm, Cabrillo Blvd., west of Stearns Wharf.
Fiesta at Paseo Nuevo
Music and Flamenco dancing by a variety of performers. 4:45-7pm. Paseo Nuevo Mall. Free.
Kiwanis Fiesta Pancake Breakfast
The 59th anniversary of this event, which typically serves more than 4,000 people. All proceeds go to supporting activities that benefit children in south Santa Barbara County. 7am-noon, Alameda Park, Santa Barbara and Sola sts. $5 ahead; $7 at event. Tickets and info:
Mariachi Festival
Music by Mariachi Vargas, Paquita la del Barrio, Mariachi Monumental de America, Mariachi Mujer 2000, Mariachi Aguilas de Jalisco, and S.B. Youth Mariachi. 5:30pm. S.B. Bowl, 1122 N. Milpas St. Call 962-7411 or see
El Mercado de la Guerra
Spanish and Mexican-American foods, crafts, souvenirs, and live entertainment all day and into the evening, featuring children’s shows, Spanish and Mexican folk dancing, and music. (Daily) 11am-11pm. De la Guerra Plaza (across from City Hall). Free.
El Mercado del Norte
Spanish and Mexican foods and beverages. Carnival rides and the new Fiesta Crazy Horse Cantina with beer, margaritas, and live entertainment in the evening. (Daily) 11am-11pm. MacKenzie Park, State St. and Las Positas Rd. Free.
Las Noches de Ronda (Nights of Gaiety)
A variety show of music, singing, Flamenco, and Folklórico dances from many regions of Mexico. Bring blankets and chairs for lawn seating. 8pm. S.B. County Courthouse Sunken Gardens. Free.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Mercado
Homemade Mexican food, games, live entertainment, and dancing. 11am-11pm. Corner of Montecito and Nopal Streets. Free.
Santa Barbara Mission Tours
Docent-led tours of this historical landmark. Wed., Fri., and Sat., 11am, 1pm, 2:30pm, and 4pm; Thu., 1pm, 2:30pm, and 4pm. Info and cost: 682-4713.
Tardes de Ronda
Variety show in which Santa Barbara kids demonstrate their talents and multicultural heritage.1-5pm, S.B. County Courthouse Sunken Gardens. Free.
SUN., AUG. 8
Competencia de los Vaqueros (Fiesta Stock Horse Show & Rodeo)
—Tri-Counties riders compete in Open and Committee Calf Branding and Team Penning Slack. 8am and noon. Free.
—Pro Rodeo Cowboy Association events, including Bareback Riding, Tie-Down Roping, Steer Stopping, Team Penning, Mutton Bustin’, and Saddle Bronco Riding, plus PRCA Team Roping, Barrel-Racing, and Bull Riding. 1:30pm. Earl Warren Showgrounds, Calle Real at Las Positas Rd. Tickets: box seats, $20 or $16; general admission, $12 (adults), $8 (kids 11 and younger). Tickets and info: Earl Warren Showgrounds, 967-6331 and
Courthouse Fiesta Tours
Guided tours (every half hour) of the Moorish-Spanish building. Meet in the Mural Room. (Daily) 10am-3pm. S.B. County Courthouse, Anacapa and Anapamu Streets. Free.
Fiesta Arts & Crafts Show
Artisans and crafts people display a variety of paintings, carvings, pottery, and other handcrafted wares.10am-7pm, Cabrillo Blvd., west of Stearns Wharf.
Fiesta at Paseo Nuevo
Music and Flamenco dancing by a variety of performers. 4:45-7pm. Paseo Nuevo Mall. Free.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Mercado
Homemade Mexican food, games, live entertainment, and dancing. 11am-11pm. Corner of Montecito and Nopal Streets. Free.
West Coast Symphony Fiesta Concert
Conducted by Christopher Story VI. Bring lawn chairs. 3:30pm, S.B. County Courthouse Sunken Gardens. Free.