Friends of the Santa Barbara Library Earns $9,700 Literacy Grant
The Votes Are In: Adult and Family Literacy Wins In Verizon’s Vote for Literacy! Campaign
After more than 7,000 text message votes for Verizon’s “Vote for Literacy!” campaign were counted, The Friends of the Santa Barbara Public Library received enough text message votes to earn a $9,700 grant funded by Verizon customers through the company’s Check Into Literacy program. The top 5 vote getters received grant funds.

The Verizon Foundation presented a check for the grant to the Friends of the Santa Barbara Public Library and the Santa Barbara Public Library System on Friday, December 10. “These funds generously donated by Verizon customers will enrich our programs for adult learners and families,” said Beverly Schwartzberg, the Library’s adult literacy coordinator.
The Check Into Literacy program allows Verizon’s landline telephone customers to support literacy by checking a box on their monthly phone bills to make a $1 tax-deductible donation to promote literacy throughout the United States. Verizon then distributes these donations to local literacy organizations that serve the state the customers live in.

The Library’s free adult and family literacy programs provide tutoring services and family programs to hundreds of local residents each year. Adults can receive free tutoring to help with reading, writing, and basic skills, and bring their children to learn about library services and develop school readiness skills. Over 150 community volunteers provide tutoring services at all branch libraries. For more information on becoming or getting a tutor, visit online.
The Friends of the Library is a non-profit organization that actively supports Library services by raising funds for programs, equipment and materials, volunteering to assist with Library activities, and acting as community advocates in support of public libraries.
The Verizon Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Verizon Communications, supports the advancement of literacy and K-12 education. For more information on the foundation, visit .