Visiting Trail Professionals Will Inspire Local Sustainable Trail Maintenance!
IMBA Professional Trail Care Crew Coming to SANTA BARBARA
The International Mountain Bicycling Association’s (IMBA) Subaru/IMBA Trail Care Crew will be in SANTA BARBARA, March 3rd through March 5th to talk trails, instruct on sustainable trail building techniques, and spend quality time on trail with volunteers. The visit is one of 70 stops on their 2011 schedule.
March 3rd, Presentation “Club Care – Reinvigorating Your Organization”:
5:30pm – 7:30pm, WheelHouse – 528 Anacapa Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101.
This presentation focuses on techniques that advocacy groups across the country have used to reach goals, overcome, challenges, and build up their community. Any trails, outdoor, environmental, or green based organization/non-profit will benefit from this workshop. Included will be ideas on sustaining boards of directors, recruiting members, and making sure that everyone has a great time participating in their organization. No cost and open to the public.
March 4th, Land Manager Trails Management Workshop:
9am – 12 noon
The purpose of the presentation is to acquaint Land Managers, agency staff and committees, and private land owners with the language, terminology, contemporary trail design, sustainability, and system planning for successful trails. The presentation is a catalyst for an open discussion on sustaining multi-use trails, user management strategies, and trail user education (both mountain bikers and other users). Also discussed will be the effective use of volunteers for trail maintenance.
RSVP required with
March 5th, IMBA Trail Building School for Crew Leaders and Volunteers*:
8:30am – 5:00pm, Casa De La Raza Library, 601 East Montecito Street Santa Barbara, CA 93103:
This workshop instructs cyclist, hiker, and equestrian volunteers sustainable trail building/maintenance techniques and trains volunteers and land managers to use these skills on their trails and in their community. The workshop will include a half day (8:30am -12:30pm) in class instruction and then a half day on a trail applying and refining skills. Topics will include trail building methodologies, water erosion control structures, trail bed armoring, user control points, technical features, signage, and more. (Location of the trail will be announced in the workshop. Carpooling to work site will be strongly encouraged. )
* The Trail Building School is offered at no cost, but participants and potential crew leaders are asked to commit to three trail work events in 2011.
* Pre-registration is required. Registration: or register by email to
Sunday March 6th, IMBA/SBMTV Social Ride.
10:00am. Trail to be announced
Contact me at or 805.451.0459 for more information.