Santa Barbara Women’s Political Committee Endorsements
Endorsement recommendation and votes were preceded by a presentation and complete report on the five candidate interviews the SBWPC Candidate Assessment Team conducted between June 6 and June 22.
SBWPC Board members were pleased with the high quality of the candidates who were interviewed, noting that each of the endorsed candidates will bring unique histories and competencies to the hard work of governing the city. The SBWPC provides financial and other support to its endorsed candidates during their campaigns.
Among the attendees to the endorsement meeting were Supervisor Janet Wolf, Former Supervisor Susan Rose, Former Supervisor Naomi Schwartz, SB City Council member Michael Self, Santa Barbara City College Trustee Marty Blum, Santa Barbara School District Board Member Monique Limón, the endorsed candidates, and members of the public.
Now in its 23rd year, The Santa Barbara Women’s Political Committee, is dedicated to furthering gender equality and other feminist values through political and social action, and educational activities. As a political action committee, we endorse women and men candidates who actively support our goals and promote a feminist agenda. We are also committed to taking social action against discrimination based on gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, age or disability.
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