UCSB Student Launches Votenc
Maybe back in the days of your grandparents, standing around at the ballot box was the thing to do; but, with so many Californians equipped with mobile phones and other internet ready devices – an online voting system seems quite overdue.
This is exactly what Timothy Montague, a recent graduate from UC Santa Barbara, had in mind when he built the Votence platform (www.votence.com). And, with so many citizens depressed about our economy and the recent state of the government this might be just the type of change that can strengthen America.
“What do we really get to vote on, the presidential elections and state propositions? How is that going to change America? What we need is an online voting system that informs Americans about our politicians and the hidden issues – the polices and laws passed without citizen votes.”, states Montague.
Since the release of Votence on October 9th of last month adoption of the new platform has been slow but steady. In that time, Votence has undergone an initiative to re-brand popular voting slogans with phrases such as “I Votenced”, “Your Votence Counts”, and “Votence For Pedro” – a spoof off the MTV film Napoleon Dynamite.
Other initiatives in the last month have included the release of their vote tracking system, and their launch on several social media outlets – such as, Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In etc.
If you’d like to support Votence please send your emails to hr@votence.com. Currently, Votence is seeking developers, political correspondents, and business/sales relations. If you are an investor seeking further information, then please send your emails to investors@votence.com.