Goleta Roundabout Construction to Begin
The project isexpected to take three to four months.This three-leg intersection currently has stop signs in all directions. It hadpreviously included a stop sign at Calle Real only.However after an increase inside impact collisions at this intersection, the City changed it to an “all stop”intersection to improve public safety.
“It’s important for the City to do this project now because of upcoming work on theLas Vegas/San Pedro Creek Culvert Replacement that will impact FairviewAvenue,” said Rosemarie Gaglione, Capital Improvement Program Manager. “Caltrans anticipates a full closure of the northbound on ramp at Fairview Avenuefor at least a year and a full closure of the southbound off ramp at Fairview Avenuefor six months for that project.”
The Las Vegas/San Pedro Creek Project is expected to begin in 2013 with theramp closures later in the project. With the Fairview ramp closures, traffic will bediverted to Los Carneros. At a minimum, a temporary traffic signal would need tobe installed at the Los Carneros/Calle Real intersection to accommodate theincreased traffic. Instead the City decided on a more permanent solution which willhave long-term benefits and is consistent with the General Plan’s direction to installround abouts instead of traffic signals where feasible.
Granite Construction was awarded the contract for the Los Carneros/Calle RealRoundabout by the City Council. For more information, visit the City’s Capital Projects website.