Limited Appeals
Your story “Prop 34: High Price of Death” says that one of the arguments to abolish the death penalty in favor of life without parole is that it costs $100,000 a year to keep someone on Death Row, but only $38,000 to keep them in maximum security. Part of the extra cost is for a “suicide watch.” You must be joking. We are paying to stop someone on Death Row from killing themselves? If that makes them happy, let them. In fact, how about offering them an incentive, such as a cash grant to their heirs (joking)?
Of course, the other twisted logic is that anti-death penalty advocates tie up these cases for years and years, creating a huge cost to the taxpayer and then try to justify eliminating the death penalty to cut the cost. Talk about the intellectual dishonesty of the left. If they are really worried about cost, how about a two-year limit on appeals once someone is sentenced to death? Think of how much that would save! Justice delayed is justice denied.