Community Trail Work Event
Hosted by the Santa Barbara Mountain Bike Trail Volunteers (SBMTV) and the Multi-Use Trails Coalition in partnership with Los Padres National Forest, City of Santa Barbara, County of Santa Barbara, and REI. Inc., the community work day will be conducted on Cold Spring Trail, one of the most popular trails in Santa Barbara’s front country. This is the perfect opportunity to contribute to the many efforts necessary to keep our trails open to the public and available to future generations.
National Public Lands Day (NLPD) is the nation’s largest single-day volunteer event for public lands in the United States. NPLD began in 1994 with three sites and 700 volunteers. Last year, 170,000 volunteers worked at over 2,080 sites throughout the country. NLPD has been an important event for Santa Barbara trails for many years and volunteers are key to the success of Santa Barbara trails.
Volunteers will cut back brush to widen the trail corridor, improve trail tread and water control structures to ready the trail for the winter’s rains. No experience is required. Volunteers are asked to wear sturdy shoes and long pants. If possible also bring bike helmets and gloves. Water, tools, instruction and a limited number of work helmets and gloves will be provided on site.
The work event is from 8:30 am to 2 pm. Volunteers will meet and sign-in at Cold Spring Trailhead on Mountain Drive. Cyclists are encouraged to ride to the trailhead. Carpooling is also highly encouraged. All volunteers will be treated to a post-work lunch at Manning Park, sponsored by the Santa Barbara Chicken Ranch.
For more information visit their website or contact Chris Orr, Santa Barbara Mountain Bike Trail Volunteers at or Mandy Burgess at