Zoo Docents Wanted
Volunteer Opportunities at the S.B. Zoo

If you like being around animals of the exotic sort, you may want to consider becoming a volunteer docent at the Santa Barbara Zoo. Docents serve as liaisons between the critters and visitors by manning discovery stations, leading tours and assisting with children’s programs and observational research, among other duties. “Our ideal candidate not only loves animals but [is] able to communicate with all ages,” said Jessica Kam, the zoo’s volunteer coordinator, in a prepared statement. “They are our ambassadors for the animals, and they not only educate but inspire visitors about conservation of our natural world.” Informational sessions are being held Thursday, November 1, 5:30 p.m. and Saturday, November 3, 1 p.m. at the zoo. For more information, call (805) 962-5339 or visit sbzoo.org.