Prolific Auto Burglar in Residential Treatment Program
Police Say Cameron Hadighi May Have Burglarized 40 Cars

A man who Santa Barbara police call a “prolific auto burglar” was sentenced for his crimes Thursday.
Cameron Hadighi received a sentence of two years in prison after entering pleas on two criminal charges filed last year. He already served his time in County Jail due to the state’s new incarceration guidelines. Now, because he violated probation terms from a previous case, Hadighi will be entering a one-year residential treatment program, said Deputy District Attorney Greg Boller.
Hadighi had committed four felonies in that original case — two counts of second degree auto burglary, one count of receiving stolen property, and one count of attempted vehicle theft.
His new charges — felony second degree burglary and misdemeanor battery on a police officer — came as a result of his April 2012 arrest after an alleged burglary spree in the 100 block of Helena Avenue. He tried to run away while paramedics were treating the cut on his hand, police said, and after he was put in a police car, he spit at an officer and kicked out a rear window.
Earlier in 2012, Hadighi admitted to stealing an iPad from a home on Laguna Street, police said. While searching his room, investigators determined he was responsible for five burglaries, though police believe he may have been responsible for as many as 40 auto burglaries in the span of just a couple of months.