New All Schools Chorus Debut on April 27

WHO: Santa Barbara Children’s Chorus
WHEN: Saturday, April 27 @ 3 pm in the school auditorium
WHERE: La Colina Jr. High School
4025 Foothill Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93110
COST: Free/ Suggested donations $6.
INFO: e-mail: or call: (805) 512-9840
ABOUT: Six schools strong will sing six contemporary tunes + one in the first “All School’s Chorus” concert. More than 100 children will be on stage along with special appearances from La Colina’s OutBurst Group and Santa Barbara Children’s Chorus Concert Chorus directed by Erin Bonski Evans. The schools & teachers participating throughout Santa Barbara and Goleta are: Adams Elementary with Nadia Stehmeier, Cleveland Elementary with Kearney Vander Sal, Franklin Elementary School Chorus led by Dave Mendoza, Foothill Elementary with Susannah Hoffman, La Colina Jr. High with Shannon Saleh, and Monroe Elementary with Elisabeth “Liz” Caruso.
Since last fall, these six schools have received materials and instructions on how to get a choral group together. Teachers at those schools recruit students for their own chorus and have learned six contemporary choral songs. All this work culminates with an all day music workshop for the schools with the public performance as the crescendo of the hours of work, study and song.
Santa Barbara Children’s Chorus is a county-wide, non-denominational music education and performing organization for children ages 5-14. We provide children of the community with the opportunity for musical training and performing in a fun and challenging environment. Founded in 1993, SBCC will be here for years to come to serve your children. With the continuing decline in funding for school-based music programs, especially in the elementary and secondary school levels, SBCC is dedicated to filling a vital gap in bringing the benefits of music and vocal performance to children.