Free price meals provided in school breakfast programs at two community schools of the county education office
Peter B. FitzGerald Community School and El Puente Lompoc Community School, both programs of the Santa Barbara County Education Office’s Juvenile Court and Community Schools program, announced an amendment to its policy for serving meals to students under the School Breakfast Program for the 2013-2014 school year. All students will be served breakfast at no charge regardless of eligibility category under the School Breakfast Program Provision 2 at the following sites: Peter B. FitzGerald Community School and El Puente Lompoc Community School. Each school or central office has a copy of the policy, which may be reviewed by any interested party.
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Further information is available from the Santa Barbara County Education Office, Mark Leufkens, Juvenile Court and Community Schools, at 964-4711, ext. 5213.