Deep Sea Syrah

Deep Sea White Hawk Vineyard Syrah 2011: From the seagulls and seaspray to passing boats and pier-to-peak views, there are plenty of distractions when perched above the Pacific Ocean at the Deep Sea tasting room on Stearns Wharf.
So it’s a good thing that this syrah is such an attention-hogging powerhouse, its inky color, bacon-laced aromas, fleshy fruit flavors, pronounced oak toast, and nearly 16% alcohol content bringing your mind squarely back to what’s in your glass. It may not inspire serenades from the cool-climate syrah crowd, which tends to groove more on herbal essences than dark berries, but if you’re into lush, rich, even thick red wines, this is your animal.
Still not sure where you fit on the syrah spectrum? Just mention this writeup and receive two-for-one glasses of this syrah at the Deep Sea tasting room until April 1.