Frack Not
People in Santa Barbara have begun assembling to ban fracking — and it is about time! It doesn’t take a scientist to see how detrimental fracking is for the people and the environment. However, several scientists have, in fact, spoken out on the reprehensible effects caused by the exploitation of fracking by big oil companies. It has been documented in several studies and reports that fracking has caused problems such as poisonous chemicals in the water and earthquakes in areas not prone to them.
Here in Santa Barbara, a new method of steam injection is being used, which is especially prone to causing earthquakes. We are near the San Andreas fault and already susceptible to earthquakes; this dangerous practice is downright immoral and irresponsible.
In your story “Fracking Freak-Out Justified?”, one of our state senators, Hannah-Beth Jackson, speaks out against fracking and I am proud that many citizens have begun standing up to the oil companies that are exploiting the people for mere monetary gain.