Goleta Teen of the Year
Nominations Wanted for Rotary Club Award

Teenagers are complicated: One minute they only speak in grunts and are glued to their iDevice; the next they are getting up at 5 a.m. to go to water polo practice and spending hours doing community service. It is the latter character in which the Rotary Club of Goleta Noontime is interested: Each year the nonprofit honors one outstanding youth its Goleta Teen of the Year Community Service Award. The club is currently looking for nominations for this year. Here are the guidelines: Candidates must be a senior at Dos Pueblos, San Marcos, Bishop García Diego, or Laguna Blanca High School (or an accredited home school); have a minimum GPA of 2.75; live within the zip codes 93110, 93111, or 93117-8; volunteer their time to the community, school, church, service clubs, or other nonprofit organizations; and be willing to serve as Goleta’s Teen of the Year through November 2015. Sound like someone you know? The deadline is Monday, September 8; you can download the nomination form at goletateen.org. For more information, call 967-6166.