Awesome Election
Now the official campaign for District Elections begins in the City of Santa Barbara. Currently four new candidates are running in the first district, three new candidates and the incumbent in the second district, and two new candidates and the incumbent in the third district.
There will be many benefits from district elections. Neighborhood residents will now have a fantastic opportunity to get involved in the political process. Money won’t be as big a factor in this and future elections.
District elections will diminish the influence of party politics which have held a stranglehold in past city elections. Three of the candidates and future elected members of the City Council will be elected on the basis of the candidate’s knowledge and familiarity with the needs of the neighborhood and long-term relationships.
District Elections has already attracted more interest and involvement by neighborhood residents in a process where they can make a difference and future elections can expect even more involvement. This will lead to increased interest and involvement that will create a larger pool of potential commission appointees.
District elections will be about creating better neighborhoods because neighborhood residents will be electing neighborhood residents as their representatives. District elections are going to be awesome!
Frank Banales was lead plaintiff in Santa Barbara’s district elections lawsuit.