Make Myself at Home: Dream Home Lives Up to Its Name
A look inside the Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbara’s Dream Home

Address: Undisclosed
Status: Not on the market, but available to win.
Driving the winding route to the appointed address, my excitement grew as our elevation rose. A majestic view has always been high on my priority list when describing my dream home. Also on the list are a great outdoor living space, a sumptuous bathroom, a big and inviting kitchen, and an overall comfortable atmosphere. My dream home should be classy but not intimidating. I want to be able to relax and feel like, well, like I’m at home. A bit lower down the priority list are a few nice-to-haves, such as a library, a fireplace, and a walk-in closet. Oh, and did I mention the pool? My dream home has to have an awesome pool ― and I wouldn’t mind a great BBQ area near that pool, either.
Being invited to tour the dream home for the Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbara’s (MCASB) 2015 Dream Home Raffle conjured up all sorts of images. The website calls the house “a newly built California Resort style home,” which leaves a lot to the imagination. As we arrived at the designated location, we could tell the house was special as we approached the front door. The front-yard landscaping is new, drought-tolerant, and beautiful. The neighborhood is quiet and secluded but not remote. And that number one priority ― the view ― captivated us through the glass-fronted entryway before our host even opened the door.
I’m no feng shui expert, but I love being able to look through a house into its backyard and the vista beyond. It makes the house itself feel like a meal promising a delicious dessert soon to come. The dream house teased us, pulling our attention through to the view and then back to our surroundings as we stepped in. One foot into the foyer and we were enchanted. The living room/dining room/kitchen combination typifies the concept of a great room. I wanted to hang around, breathe it all in, and just relax. It’s an inviting house with modern angles mixed with natural materials. It flows well and feels good.
There are two bedrooms and two baths on the main level. All the rooms have a spacious, open feeling with lots of windows yet still lots of privacy, and there are plenty of special details throughout the house. The striking master bath has a gorgeous, white raised bathtub with a gravity-defying open shower, all tiled in marble. The kitchen has a separate wine bar, the master bedroom has a gorgeously appointed walk-in closet, and there is even a library with an honest-to-goodness rolling ladder. Downstairs there are two more bedrooms, two more bathrooms, and even another living room.
The home’s outdoor space just might overshadow the interior. The master bedroom has French doors opening out onto a balcony that wraps around the house and leads to the huge outdoor living room, complete with a separate outdoor kitchen, all overlooking the pool. The yard itself has three separate levels, lending to the feel of distinct outdoor rooms. Although the neighbors are not far away, there’s an air of separation and seclusion.
Yes, the home meets all of my dream criteria and then some: The hardwood floors are beautiful, natural wide planks. The staircase leading downstairs has an amazing picture window. There’s a fireplace outside. The view encompasses the ocean and islands. And there’s a black-bottom pool. Did I mention the pool?
The dream house is the grand prize in the Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbara’s Dream Home Raffle. The winner gets to choose between this amazing home and three million dollars. Other prizes include a trip around the world, a Tesla, a Mercedes-Benz, and a laundry list of exotic vacations, computers, audio equipment, other electronics, and more. Single tickets are $150, and the chances of winning a prize are one in 20. The proceeds go to fund and expand the efforts of the Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbara. The museum provides education and outreach programs, which are primarily free of charge. The Dream Home Raffle is their main annual fundraising activity.
The grand-prize drawing will take place on December 6, but there are bonus early-bird drawings that start as soon as October 2. The earlier you buy your ticket, the more chances you have to win. Historically, the grand-prize winner has chosen cash rather than the dream home, but depending on your own priority list, it may be impossible to turn this home down. Whether you wish upon a star, blow out your birthday candles, or buy a raffle ticket, this dream home just may fulfill your heart’s desire and make all of your dreams come true.
The MCASB Dream Home is not for sale, but raffle tickets are available by calling 1-888-402-9222. For more information and more photos of the dream home, visit