P.T. Barnum Lives
Guess what citizens, you no longer have to take the time and trouble to inform yourself and critically think and vote in our coming presidential election. The outcome is being determined by media sponsored and controlled polls. Polls made up of 200-400 alleged likely voters, or alleged likely Republican voters, or alleged likely Democrat voters. Who are these “voters,” and how are they selected and contacted? Have you ever been contacted? This method eliminates the need for our citizens to inform themselves prior to voting, that is, if they feel a need to vote, since the media has determined with their polls who will be elected.
Why are you allowing the media to take control of our coming presidential election as to its candidates and their election? The media and their polls must be challenged for what they are and are not. Do you really believe their daily poll claims? Is Jonathan Gruber’s claim, respecting the American voter as being stupid, correct? Have the “presidential debates” been one great media production, designed to make big money for CNN, FOX, and MSNBC? Does the media and Donald Trump prove P.T. Barnum was right?