Porter Plagiarism?
I was shocked and disappointed to read 3rd District Supervisor candidate Bruce Porter’s commentary on the idea of using the “Triangle” property in Santa Ynez as a way to resolve the Chumash Tribe’s fee-to-trust issue with our county.
The problem is he talked as if it was his original idea when in fact it is easily ascribed much earlier to his opponent Joan Hartmann.
Porter and I have some background in common as we are both Republicans, we both attended Stanford University from which we both hold masters degrees. We are both graduates of the Engineering Department where the following Code of Conduct applies:
“Rule 1: You must not look at solutions of program code that are not your own. It is an act of plagiarism to submit work that is copied or derived from the work of others and submitted as your own.”
I submit Porter has forgotten or chose to ignore what he learned at Stanford, so I am fully supporting Joan Hartmann who, in my experience, is totally ethical