SBCC Football Player Arrested for Assaulting UCSB Police Officer
Santa Barbara City College football player Issac Brown, 18, was arrested Wednesday on two charges of felonious assault on a peace officer after a violent confrontation in Isla Vista the previous Saturday.
According to Sheriff’s Office spokesperson Kelly Hoover, Brown was involved in a large fight in the intersection of Del Playa Drive and Camino Del Sur at around 11:40 p.m. As officers approached from the east, Brown and others fled west directly into the path of another group of responding officers. A sergeant tried to grab Brown, but he broke free and kept running. Two female UCSB police officers then tried to detain him. Brown struggled to free himself, and in the process yanked one of the officers toward the ground. She lost her balance and fell, striking her against the bumper of a parked truck. She lost consciousness for several minutes and was transported to Cottage Hospital for evaluation and treatment, said Hoover.
Brown escaped the area, but was identified and tracked down five days later. He was taken into custody without incident. His bail is set at $25,000.