Health-Care System Collapsing
Health-care costs, including deductibles and copays, have greatly increased, not just because of the coverage of people with preexisting conditions, older persons, young people not participating, and the collapsing of state Obamacare exchanges. It’s due to drugs and medical providers with their high costs for doctor fees, medical services, lab work, and hospital costs. All are the major cost contributors.
Costs need to be justified. The present Republican plans will not increase affordability, accessibility, and quality of care, or subject the health care providers and drug company’s, with cost exposure and competition. It will greatly increase the federal debt now $21.2 trillion, a $1.23 trillion increase since the start of the Trump administration and the present joke Congress.
The Democrat- and socialist-advocated National Single Payer System will not result in affordability, increase accessibly, or quality of care, but it will greatly increase the national debt, as well as state debt.
There are approximately 28 million who have no health coverage of any type. Medicaid recipients, presently over 75.5 million, are expanding at an unsustainable, debt-increasing rate. Obamacare is collapsing, especially with the elimination of the tax against those who do not sign up, which includes those who cannot afford the high premiums and high deductions, and those who find out the coverage is not accepted by their desired medical providers. Insurance companies are pulling out and/or seeking taxpayer bailout. Obamacare exchanges have collapsed, with more to follow, including California’s.
Our national health-care system, 20 percent of our national economy, is in danger of collapsing, with disastrous consequences to our people and their medical needs. A solution is needed. It will not come from our politicians, insurance companies, drug companyies, and medical providers. Citizen leadership is needed.