Debt Tick-Tock
Our growing National Debt is now over $21.673 trillion, according to the U. S. National Debt Clock Real Time on October 27, 2018. That’s a $1.711 trillion increase, from $19.962 trillion, at the start of the Trump administration. We have $115.2 trillion in congressionally mandated unfunded liabilities, which include Social Security and Medicare, both projected to go bankrupt by the Congressional Budget Office, as well as unsustainable federal employee benefits and pensions. We are the greatest debtor nation in history and soon to become the greatest bankrupt nation.
The debt crisis has been imposed upon us, our children, and our grandchildren by Republican and Democrat presidents and especially by the members of the Senate and House of Representatives, with their avoidance of constitutionally mandated spending responsibility. They continue to fail us: Witness the 2017 and 2018 fiscal budget deficits of $666 billion and $779 billion. (The 2019 budget’s projected deficit is $1.085 trillion) and the Tax Reduction Law, with no real proportionate spending reductions, will result in great increases to the national debt.
President Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress have failed their responsibility to end deficit spending. We will soon to be unable to finance the growing debt interest, now $328 billion, and CBO-projected to be $647 billion with a $26.267 trillion national debt in 2022 (our Achilles heel, with coming spending and interest rate increases). Defense, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, health care and human services, education, infrastructure, federal employee costs, and federal pensions cannot be sustained.
Why support or vote for any politician, Republican or Democrat, who does not understand the number-one issue facing our nation’s survival is the debt crisis and the need for action. We cannot allow them to destroy our nation and our children’s and grandchildren’s future.